Monday 14 December 2020

So Lucky by Dawn O'Porter

 4.5 Stars

Thinking back on this book there are only a few things I can remember about it and I am left wondering why I rated it so highly in my notebook.  However, as that is filled in directly after finsihing a book I have to figure there is a reason for it.  I can still remember so much about my previous Dawn O'Porter read, The Cows, which I completed in September 2018 that it concerns me how little of this one I remember.  Certainly the characters haven't stayed with me at all.

All I can remember is one of the characters is an Instagram Influencer and I did like her storyline as it does give an insight in to just how manufactured the whole thing is.  Like we don't know that already but whatever, I'll go with it.  Then we have a Wedding Planner who has a new baby and a useless husband.  I could kind of empathise with this character but found myself getting frustrated with her and the way she flip flops in her relationship and certainly her actions with a random stranger made me so angry.  Yes, I appreciate that this is how some women react but that doesn't make it a viable or sensible choice.  The third, and I would argue main character, has an extreme case of a condition that I personally suffer from.  The thing that really annoys me about this is that her "condition" must be somehow taboo as it more or less takes until the end of the book before we find out what is wrong with her.  When it is revealed I was shocked as none of it tallies with my personal experience and the experiences of other people who suffer with this condition that I have had dialogues with.

What I do remember is that more or less everything is taken to the nth degree.  So a lot of hyperbole and over reacting goes on.  I must have enjoyed all the drama though because I gave it a slightly higher rating than The Cows.  Yet, thinking back I preferred that book to this one.  Who knew what I was thinking - it is 2020 after all!

This review has been a long time coming.  I actually read this book between the 3rd and 7th August 2020 so my memory is a bit foggy about all the plot lines.  Fortunately, I have a notebook where I jot some initial thoughts on the book and an overall ranking so between the book blurb and that I did have a reasonable handle on what I thought at the time of reading.

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