Thursday 28 February 2019

The Millionaire Plan by Karen King

Okay, so where do I start with this one.  Let us commence with the complete lack of proof reading or editing shall we - always remember, no amount of spellcheck can save you if your typo is a real word.  So, we get Amber making coffee by "pouring hot water in to a cafeteria" (okay, that one made me laugh) and Randy "realising his hold on her bag" (not realising it was too tight or unwanted but handing it to Amber).  These are just two examples from the latter half of the book, trust me there are numerous scattered throughout.  Along with that we also have a plethora of missing words, usually prepositions so you can figure out what should be there.  Then you have factual errors - we are told Amber and Callie are staying in Callie's Aunt's waterfront apartment but then it becomes a cottage and then back to an apartment again.  When Amber has seasickness Jed gives her Ginger Tea but a paragraph later it's ginger ale.  As you can tell, the multiple errors really aggravated me.

Even worse than the liberal problems with the text itself is the plot.  It made me feel unclean just reading it - what a toxic bunch of people; each and every one of them a liar in their own way.  Strangely, the designed-to-be-odious Randy is perhaps the only honest one among them - he admits he wants a marriage of convenience and a child of convenience so he can get his inheritance bumped up to the max.  Everyone else is just ick - Amber wants a millionaire to solve her parents money worries (if it's an inherited house why do they appear to have a full mortgage on it, if her dad is such a success in business why would they have any mortgage on an inherited property?); Jed is a billionaire but pretends he is just a "working Joe" and pretty much penniless.

The plot itself is pretty much laughable with people falling in love in seconds.  Now, I like a good rom com as much as the next woman but even I baulked at this one as being ridculous and contrived.  There is a brief attempt to create an on-again-off-again tension but it never really works.

I have read one Karen King book that I really enjoyed and that led me to buy a slew of her books, I really wish I hadn't.

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