Tuesday 5 February 2019

Queen Of The Hill by Genevieve Jack

The author has certainly settled in to the world she has created, there is more certainty about locations and the characters interact in far more realistic ways.  This made it easier for me to subsume myself in this fantasy world and really enjoy the story.  Yes, there are still some things that bother me about the writing and the scenarios but I have found that they are becoming fewer as time passes and the series continues.

Grateful is certainly responding well to her new situation live and is now beginning to accept the responsibility for the town on to her shoulders.  This is never more clearly demonstrated than when she "interferes" with the choice of leader for the Vampire Coven, I particularly enjoyed the way she argued with herself about the rights and wrongs of doing so, really brought the character to life in ways that she hasn't in previous books.  The downside to it all was that the truth of what happened was pretty obvious from Grateful's first visit to her sister's house (remind anyone else of Grimm's fairytales?)

I have to admit I raced through this book and was intrigued to find out what happened next.  Even if I find Grateful's relationship with Rick extremely uncomfortable - the co-dependent nature of it makes me feel that it is neither of their choices and that without the magical element of their want their would be no relationship.  Not that she would be any better off with Logan.

The character of Poe definitely brings some much needed light relief.  He is one raven with attitude and his snarky comments really break the tension in a way that does not detract from the story.  In all honesty, the bits incorporating him in to the story are some of the best bits of the book.

This is a good solid, fantasy read with a magical system that is clearly explained and allows each magical character to have their strengths and weaknesses.  Because of this any challenge that comes up has multiple solutions and you can never be sure which way Grateful is going to go - although she does seem to favour the violent Nightshade led approach.

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