Sunday 23 September 2018

Dying By The Hour by Kory M Shrum

This is my second read through of the book and although certain scenes had stuck with me (particularly the denouement in the corn field) I was not too surprised that I remembered little of the book.  What did surprise me was how much I thoroughly enjoyed the tale - I remember leaving the series right around now feeling unsatisfied by the books and have to now admit how wrong I was about that.  Maybe I am just a little more ready to embrace Urban Fantasy now than I was back in 2015, who knows?

Jesse is still a fully infuriating character though and I am pretty sure I would give her a wide berth in real life.  She seems to be completely unaware of the emotions and feelings of others and yet obsesses over Lane and Ally continually.  That said the descriptions of her interactions with Caldwell and the hallucinatory Gabriel are  well grounded and do make me warm to her a little bit.  Ally is still my favourite character though, even if she is a bit of a doormat.

The tension ebbs and flows through the book and you do get chance to draw breath between each encounter with The Church and it's acolytes.  This book is really all about the action though and although there is some fleshing out of the characters it is still the plot that takes centre stage.  It is a little more linear this time and less convoluted than in the first book so you don't waste time flicking back a few pages to find out who this person that has suddenly sprung up is.

Thoroughly enjoyable action with a supernatural twist.

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