Sunday 13 May 2018

Click, Date, Repeat by K. J. Farnham

Gently humorous look at online dating before it really exploded in to the world.  Chloe is going through a bit of a dry spell emotionally, her last few relationships have not worked out at all and she is despairing of ever meeting Mr Right instead of Mr Right Now.  Online dating has just started gaining a foothold and she is convinced by a friend of a friend to give it a go.  She soon realises that it reflects herself back and tells her more about herself than she ever knew.

The little stats on each potential date (and Chloe herself) boil everyone down to a few easy to digest pieces of information.  Chloe, and we, soon realise that everyone is so much more than that.  She also learns that no matter how careful you are there are still nutters out there that can sneak beneath your radar.  Even worse there are genuinely nice people out there that think you are the one with issues.

Jolly little tale with plenty of juicy gossip thrown up by each date.  Fortunately, it is not all a tale of icebreakers, emails, phone calls and the inevitably disastrous meet up.  There is a lot about friendship within the pages and the way in which Chloe's friendships with Shelley and Jess change over the course of the book due, mainly, to how their own personal lives are shaping up or not.  There is also a strong family presence in Chloe's life and this helps to ground the book in some sort of reality - whilst presenting plenty of opportunities for black humour.

The one thing that grated was how attractive and irresistible people seemed to find Chloe.  I am sure this was based on looks and not personality as she doesn't come across as a particularly sympathetic character on the page.  She comes across realistically so a mix of all that is good and bad in people but I have to admit she is not someone I would embrace in to my circle of friends.  There is just too much of a bitterness within her character that would make her difficult to trust.

Not a bad job and a fun look at dating that applies whether being set up by friends or trusting a computer algorithm.

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